Before the Internet, a business would never hire the same person or agency as their local competitor employs. Today its any everyday thing.
How did that happen? Since when is that OK?
Chances are if you are a local car dealer you have a website vendor (or ad agency) that has hundreds if not thousands of other dealers for clients. You do know they employ cookie-cutter programs so that you all look alike, don’t you?
Why in the world is it now considered OK to hire the same vendor as your nearest rival? It is insane to give up this competitive advantage to “be different” from your competition.
So why are you trying to look just like your rival by hiring their agent?
In the legal trade, the agent (lawyer) would have to recuse themselves from practicing with one or the other client. Its the law! Doesn’t that make sense? Well apparently to many in the local digital advertising sphere, its the land of unicorns and rainbows and anything goes. Like I said, insane!
( As always, PLEASE, Please comment if you disagree. I would love to hear how I am wrong. )