Winning SEO with Question Answer Format

SEO By The Sea, Bill Slawski’s pursuit of SEO insight by following Google patents is one of the most difficult to follow, but also the most rewarding. That means it is worth your time to follow him.

For those who don’t have the time to take the deep dive, at least give a click over to Bill’s

The take-away is that you would be well served to write your content in a Q& A format. This isn’t really a revealed secret. We’ve been aware of the preferred SERP position of the Q&A pack for a long time now. But this post reinforces where search is going. In other words, many things recommended by many in the SEO community, re. meta tags are not the future; Q&A content is.

The larger percentage of searches are implicit questions. We usually search for the answer to some question, even if we don’t explicitly frame it as a question.

For example, you could create a page reading “We Sell Rare Gemstones”, or you could re-phase the entire page into something like “How and Where To Find Rare Gemstones”. The question is implicit.